Our missions


Missions and Missionaries in Elkhart County


    Prairie Camp is our district camp. Just south of Elkhart on County Road 9. Our childrem, teens, adults, and families have spent time at Prairie Camp.

  • Faith Mission

    Faith Mission is the only emergency facility in Elkhart County where shelter, meals, clothing and programs are provided all in one place. They also have a thrift store. 

  • Church Community Services

    Church Community Services is a faith-based agency helping people of Elkhart county weather life's storms and build more secure futures through emergency assistance and intensive job and life-skills training. We have collection boxes for pantry staples in the lobbies.

REgional Missions

Missions and Missionaries whose primary ministry is within 100 miles of our church.

  • North central District

    The Missionary Church denomination is united into districts and regions across the USA. BMC is part of the North Central District. Geographically that area is northern Indiana and southern Michigan. We give approximately 3% of our offerings to support district ministries.

  • Devon Oasis Ministry

    Devon Oasis Center is a ministry to help meet the needs of the large population of refugees, immigrants and those living in poverty in Chiago, Illinois. Bob and Lynne Andrews are the ministry directors and have close ties to Beulah.

  • Bethel university

    Bethel University is a private Christian liberal arts university affiliated with the Missionary Church. It is a community of learners dedicated to building lives of commitment and leadership in the world.

National Missions

Missions and Missionaries in the USA Borders

  • Missionary Church USA

    Missionary Church USA covers ministries of the denomination inside the US. It includes items such as salaries for denominational officials and secretaries at International Headquarters, and the publication of promotional materials to cover most projects of the denomination in the US. This amount is about 2% of our church offerings.

  • Starfish Project

    While the store is in Goshen, Indiana, the Starfish Project reaches across the nation and around the world to deliver those caught up on human trafficking and exploitation. At Starfish Project women and girls experience freedom, establish independence, and develop careers. Starfish has employed and trained over 150 women and served thousands more through their community outreach.

  • Our Daily Bread

    Our Daily Bread is the most popular printed daily devotional in the world. We order 75 every quarter for the Beulah congregation. Pick up your devotional booklet at the welcome desk in the lobby at church. This ministry is located in Grand Rapids, MI and they give tours of their facility. 

Global Missions

Global Missions and Missionaries are anywhere in the world.

  • World partners

    World Partners is the international missions arm of the Missionary Church. We do most of our international work through this organization. Commissioning over 80 missionaries who work alongside a host of national workers, World Partners is developing a ministry focused on making disciples around the world. The Great Commission is the central focus of World Partners. Many of the missionaries listed below are with World Partners.

  • Samaritan's purse

    Through Operation Christmas Child we provide shoeboxes fitted with gifts for children all over the world. In 2020, we provided 170 boxes. Our 2021 goal is 200 boxes.

  • Bruce and Dawn Cluckie

    Bruce and Dawn are missionaries to Guinea through World Partners, the mission's arm of the Missionary church.

  • David and Grace McBrier

    David and Grace are missionaries through World Partners, serving in Hungary. They are from Beulah Church.

  • The Tice Family

    Jeremy and Mindie Tice and family are Missionaries in Residence with World Partners at Bethel University.

  • Tim and Ruth Stuck

    Tim and Ruth are missionaries to Spain with World Partners.

  • Unnamed workers

    Beulah also supports several missionaries who are located in sensitive areas where it might hinder their relationships if their pictures and bios were published.


    The entire congregation is involved with filling plastic banks all year long. The banks are then broken open by children on World Missions Sunday in the spring of each year. The funds are used to help support missionary kids around the world. This event is one of the highlights of the missions program at Beulah.