If this is not your first eGiving experience at Beulah, and/or if you already have a Realm account (the software we are using), you will be taken to your giving page in Realm. There you can make the following choices:
1) Amount of gifts to which funds,
2) One time or recurring gift
3) Date of gift
4) Account to use (if you have saved payment methods) or a new payment method for this gift.
Please keep in mind that because of fees charged to us, more of the funds you donate are used for ministry if you do not give using a credit/debit card.
Make your selections and proceed to STEP 4.
Once you click the GIVE button the first screen, you will be asked to fill-in your financial information. NOTE that this is a drop down menu. You can choose from CREDTI/DEBIT card (the option with the most fees for the church), CHECKING, or SAVINGS. The last two options have the smallest amount of fees for the church, and create an Electronic Funds Transfer from your account to ours.
Notice that you can give to multiple funds in one gift by clicking the blue +GIVE TO AN ADDITIONAL FUND link at the top.
Click on GIVE and proceed to STEP 4.
You will receive an email confirmation of your gift.